Boyband iKON Resmi Tinggalkan YG Entertainment

Boyband iKON Resmi Tinggalkan YG Entertainment
boyband iKON (tangkapan layar
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SEOUL, RADAR PEKALONGAN.ID- Kabar menggemparkan diumumkan YG Entertaniment pada 30 Desember 2022. Agensi milik Yang Hyun Suk ini mengumumkan bahwa keenam anggota iKON akan meninggalkan agensi.

Seperti diberitakan Soompi, YG Entertainment pun telah merilis pernyataan terkait, Seperti di bawah ini :

"Hello, this is YG Entertainment.
We are informing you that after a long discussion with the iKON members (Kim Jinhwan, Bobby, Song Yunhyeong, Goo Junhoe, Kim Donghyuk, and Jung Chanwoo) about their future activities, out of respect for each other’s opinions, we agreed to end our exclusive contract following the expiration of their contract period.
The six members of iKON will of course be continuing their activities as the group “iKON” in the future, and we are also letting you know that they will continue to communicate with iKONIC [iKON’s fans] through their official social media accounts, including their official fan community Weverse, just as they are now.
We sincerely thank iKON, who has been with us as one of our agency’s artists up until now. We are looking forward to their future activities in a wide variety of fields, and we will be cheering them on.
Additionally, we also thank the iKONIC who were together with us for iKON’s journey. We ask that you continue to give the members your unchanging interest and encouragement as they prepare for a new start."

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Halo, ini YG Entertainment.
Kami memberi tahu Anda bahwa setelah diskusi panjang dengan anggota iKON (Kim Jinhwan, Bobby, Song Yunhyeong, Goo Junhoe, Kim Donghyuk, dan Jung Chanwoo) tentang kegiatan mereka di masa depan, untuk menghormati pendapat satu sama lain, kami setuju untuk mengakhiri hubungan kami. kontrak eksklusif setelah berakhirnya masa kontrak mereka.
Keenam anggota iKON tentu saja akan melanjutkan aktivitas mereka sebagai grup "iKON" di masa mendatang, dan kami juga memberi tahu kalian bahwa mereka akan terus berkomunikasi dengan iKONIC [penggemar iKON] melalui akun media sosial resmi mereka, termasuk akun mereka. komunitas penggemar resmi Weverse, seperti sekarang.

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